Sunday, October 10, 2010

~Weight Watchers Talk~

In a previous post I talked about Weight Watchers. Some of my readers had some questions. I hope to get those answered. You don't have to read unless you want too!

Am I going to the meetings?

No, I am not able to attend the current meetings because they happen to be the same nights as Jade has dance. In the future I might think about it more. I think going and being part of a "group" might give me alittle more motivation. That is something I need alot more of.

Am I doing the whole point system?

I happen to find a link on-line that I use to check points. You can find that link here! I checked the link with my sister who does have the books at home and she has also followed WW in the past. She said it was right with the books.

Have I changed things about how I eat?

Yes, for sure. I have cut way back on sauces such as dressing and mayo. I also cut back on my all time favorite cheese and sour cream. I would add cheese to almost anything and everything. I have stopped doing that. I am still here! I have survived that change. I have also started buying low fat yorgurt. It taste just as good. At supper I eat the same meal as my family and take much smaller portions as I used to.

How long have I been doing this?

I am only going on about week 3 or 4. However the fist few weeks were alot of learning for me. I also didn't stop drinking my mountain dew until week 2. Only diet pop now which is ok because I am a diet coke aholic (thanks to my mother)!

What have I learned so far?

Coleslaw is not a good thing to eat with a cheeseburger. Not a huge fan of coleslaw and its got alot of sauce on it. Not worth all the point! I have also learned that I do best with meals already portioned for me. So I have been having a Smart Ones meal for lunch after the kids eat and are napping. They have the points right on them. I also learned that Green Giant makes a great cheesey brocollli that is ZERO points! I can put this with any meal and its works as a bit of a filler. Also Green Giant makes a corn that is only ONE point! During the last few weeks I found out that I like fiber one bars but they are not for Maddison (they make her poop all day long)! Chocolate oatmeal and Carmel are awesome and they are just 2 points a bar!

Have I cheated and made some bad choices?

Yes, I have. I have had my favorite nachos!

Ok, now what you really want to know- How much weight have I lost?

I really haven't lost any! But I am ok with that. I am still really learning what things are better for me to eat and how many points are in things. The best thing though is by changing the few things I have changed I feel better about myself! I feel alittle bit healthier! I have a long ways to go though.

What is my number one goal?

This might sound goofy to some but my number one goal is to be able to walk into a store like Maurices and buy something that fits and I feel good in. I don't need to be a size 2 or even a size 8. I just want to be healthier and have more energy to play with my little ones!


OurLittleBlessingS said...

Good for you!! Im so excited for you!! My only advice would be to measure your arms, thighs, hips, chest etc and keep track of that every couple wks; that way if you qrent losing the lbs youll def see a change in inches. I love ww and im with you-its not awlays about the lbs #, just to be healthier and more energy is a great thing!! So happy for you!

mom4 said...

congrats to a new start heathier amy ,mommy . I wish i could give up my dew and change to diet or something ...

Nik said...

Good for you! I did WW many years ago and got to my 10%..thats the first goal, and for me was the 10 meeting deal I had paid for, then I quit going. Wish I still had the materials, but as you said, it is avail online from great people who have posted it (so you don't have to pay for it).

I have been considering this again, as I need to drop 25-30 pounds. I am not too tall, and this is a heavy size for me, I have no energy, etc. Its a cyclic effect for me...downward spiral that effects all of me. I am just NOT a cook, so its harder for me. I could eat WAY simpler meals on my own than but have DH and DD to worry about too.

You will do great!