Monday, June 28, 2010

My little guy

Today my baby boy is 10 months old! I have been loving the last 10 months and all the time he spends cuddling with me. I took him yesterday to get a few pictures taken before he gets too much older.

(sorry for the quality of these I am sharing. I just took them from the on-line photos they send me and they didn't copy and paste as nice as I was hoping.)

A couple of pictures from home.
He loves going in his exersaucer. We had to purchase a smaller one for him because the one Maddi used just wasn't working for him. He's needing to strengthen his legs up alittle more and the doctor said this would help. I have already noticed in the last 2 weeks how much better he is doing.

He was 21 pounds at his 9month check up. I am sure he's gained alittle since then. He just keeps growing!

1 comment:

mom4 said...

where that time go ! my goodness 10 month 21lb lol cute