Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meet the Duggars

Maybe some of you have seen that show 18 Kids and Counting. Well, my goodness that's alot of kids. That is more than I can have in my daycare! I was watching the show lastnight. It is on Tuesday nights on TLC. The dad, Jim Bob, commented that if they have 20 kids and each one of them have 5-10 kids of their own that is 100-200 grandchildren. Can you imagine what a Christmas or birthday party would look like with that large of a family. I don't know how they do it. I have a hard time worrying about caring for my 4 kids and making sure they all get a bath and toe nails clipped. I could not imagine 18. And seriously what women's body can have that many kids?

1 comment:

Nik said...

These people facinate me as well. They are ON a TV show, but do not have TV's in their house. They do have small (13 inch?) ones in a closet that they turn on, or go to an Aunts house to watch if some of their family is on shows like "The Today Show". Their house is GIGANTIC, but it wasnt always so..I saw this family on TLC before they had their own show and that house they built....overall..Facinating to me!