Thursday, March 19, 2009


I am looking for someone to take over my house for oh maybe a week! I want a vacation! I want to go where its warm, not hot but warm. Maybe 65-70 degrees. A place where I can sit around in my PJ's a relax! No phones allowed! Yes, I know I am dreaming. I think I would settle for even 2 days.

Anyways, today my wonderful Brother T and my Auntie R are getting on a plane and flying to Texas. I will admit I wish I was going too. They will spend some time with my grandparents in Texas and then drive back with them.

My brother M will be going to Washington with a friend he met in College. His friend lives out there and M will drive to his home with him, spend some time there and then fly back. He has never flown before. I don't think he is going until sometime in May.

Hopefully they all have a safe and peaceful trip. Well I dunno about my Auntie R. My brother T is alot like me.... doesn't ever stop talking. So a peaceful trip for her might not be an option!

About this flying thing- I think its one of those things a person should experience at least one time in their life. I took a plane to Washington DC when I was in High School for a group trip. I got very sick on the way there. The girl sitting next to me sure didn't want to sit next to me again on the way back home! I guess I don't blame her. It really wasn't my thing though. It was an interesting experience. I will say though I wouldn't want to fly alone.

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