Monday, November 8, 2010

~4 kids and a Dog~

Its kind of become a comman saying for Jade lately "Mom, you do have 4 kids". I am not really sure how it came about completely. I do know that I had said something to my mom and she responded by telling me "Well, you do have 4 kids". She of course ment it as I shouldn't worry about the small things getting down. I am rather busy with my 4 kids. So now whenever Jade thinks I need to be reminded she will say to me "Mom, you do have 4 kids". She told me this again Friday night and it had nothing to do with what Danny and I were even talking about. She thought it did though.

I jokingly told Danny lastnight that Jade better start staying "Mom, you do have 4 kids and a dog"! He told me it would make a great blog title. Well, I am in no place to start a new blog and I don't want to change the title of my current blog. Just doesn't feel right. Even though it would be catchy... 4 kids and dog! So I added it to the side of my blog with a picure!

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