Friday, October 29, 2010

~Tons of candy~

I may have mentioned before that Jade and Abby
have a grandpa that lives
 in another state.
At Halloween time he likes to
send them not just a small treat
but a huge box of candy!

Here are some pictures of the girls opening the package!

Seriously we could open a candy store with it all.
There is everything from chocolate to rootbeer barrells
to picky sticks and even suckers.


~Dinah said...

YIKES!! That's a.lot. of candy!!

Nik said...

We never have that stuff in our house anymore. Yikes! What do you do with it all?

I was sick all weekend (still have a low fever) so hubby had to go buy candy and daughter handed it out. We never get a ton of kids any more (the neighborhood has grown up mostly) we do handfuls and still had a ton leftover. Hubby took it all to work for the breakroom (we are all on diets (*ahem* healthy lifestyles) here....