Saturday, July 3, 2010

She loves them

A couple weeks ago Jade had a sleepover at grandma R's house (my parents). She got to go shopping with grandma and also go to grandpa's work to see the school he works at. She had a lot of fun.
When Jade stayed with grandma a couple summers ago she opened up to my mom and shared things with her. My mom of course told me what they talked about.
Jade knows alittle bit about when a child is adopted they don't live with the mommy who carried then in their tummy. They live with a different mommy. She knows that her grandpa (my dad) was adopted.
This was once explained to her (as much as you can explain to a child) so she knew that other people grow up without their real mommys. That she wasn't the only one to have more than one mommy.

Well this recent visit with grandma opened up some questions she had.
She wanted to know if grandpa's REAL mommy loved him.
She wanted to know why he didn't get to live with her.

Now I am not an expert but I would have to say Jade was relating this to herself.
It worrys me that she goes each day wondering if her real mommy loves her.

I love these girls more than you can ever know and I am more than thrilled to be their other mommy.
It pisses me off though to no end what she did to them but I can tell you SHE LOVES THEM.
I know that she still loves them.

It breaks my hear that Jade worries about this. Jade does not open up to me about these kinds of things. I think she is afraid that she disappointed her birth mom and she doesn't want to disappoint me now.

I am so thankful that Jade feels comfortable enough to open up to my mom.


Nik said...

How great it is that she has someone to talk to and that she can articulate these issues and feelings! I would think this is a great base for any future duscussions!

mom4 said...

i think it great she has your mom helping her through these thought about her bio mom. you know my son is like jade had a different daddy and he went through this . did want to hurt us but had this wonders about his bio dad and family ..