Wednesday, February 10, 2010

POOP 101

You think you could give a 5 minute speach on poop. Maybe call the speach POOP 101. I am so tired of POOP! I don't want to see it ever again.

Yesterday when I got Maddison up from nap there was POOP everywhere. It stunk and it was a huge mess. Thankfully hubby walked in the door right at this time so I could yell for him to get me some wet wipes. I cleaned Maddison's hands up and then realized the only way to clean up this BLOW OUT of a mess was to stick her in the tub. She took a nice warm bath and got some clean clothes on. Her crib got a new sheet and one full of POOP went in the trash.

Now I am helping a daycare child learn to use the potty. She was 2 in August and I felt she was ready a few weeks ago to start wearing pretty little girly panties. So we were going to start last Tuesday but this little one developed a pooping problem. She wouldn't go. So that turned into tummy aches. Which now has turned into a OVER LOAD of POOP. Yes, I said POOP.

Today I put her in her little girly panties and told her to tell me when she had to go potty. She had a dirty diaper for her mom this morning and she had gone yesterday for me. So both mom and I felt it was a go. She's been wearing undies at home some. She is only wet a few times a week when she wakes up from her nap. She is staying dry all day and using the potty.

Wow we were so wrong. She POOPED. She didn't tell me. I didn't smell it. I told her to go potty and went into the kitchen to make Mason a bottle. I came back to find her butt naked in my bathroom.

My bathroom was full of POOP. She had it everywhere. In the matter of like 1 wopping minute she had it on her clothes, the floor, the side of the toilet, side of the tub. You name it, it was covered in POOP.

I walked into the hallway to put Mason on the rug. I counted to 5. I knew if I didn't do that I was going to explode. Went back into the bathroom and put the girl in the tub. There was no way around giving her a bath. Then while she enjoyed a warm bath I cleaned up POOP.

Yes, I said POOP!

Now I must go because I think Maddison just POOPED!

1 comment:

~Dinah said...

I hate those days --- when trainers try to change soiled undies by themselves. HUGS!! hang in there...i've been there...and i'm sure i'll be there again!