Thursday, January 14, 2010


"Mom I need pants".

"Well go find some".

"Mom I don't have any".

"Yes, Jade you have pants. Find some".

"Mom really seriously I do not have pants".

"Jade go look in the dryer then or in the wash".

Hmm, maybe just maybe she couldn't find pants on Sunday morning because this is what I found under the laundry shoot just waiting to be washed!

Well you should be happy to know there is a load in the dryer and I am caught up on laundry!

For now.

1 comment:

Nik said...

I feel like I could be doing laundry non stop with just daycare and my family of 3 of us (lots of towels with many showers for hubby with working out, a physical job, etc) the clothes to go along with all that for him.

My teen mostly does her own..but not till she has a laundry mountian and is out of clothes too! UGH Where is the laundry elves to come do this while we sleep?