Monday, October 19, 2009

For my Sister!

Ok this should be on my sister's blog.... Oh wait she doesn't have one. So I will share this with her for my aunt who is just drying for my sister to get a blog! My sister is trying to master facebook. Maybe after that I can talk her into a blog.

4 generations together! A blessing! The Joans!
Grandma Joan, Molly Joan, Faith Pamela Joan,
and Grandma Robin Joan

Mason and his godparents!

Maddison and her godmother!
My sister went back to work last week after having 12 weeks off. She survived. Faith survived her week spending time with her great aunt T for 2 days and with grandma Robin for 3 days. This week Faith can finally start daycare. Now let's all pray that grandma Robin can make it through the week. She is very nervous about Faith going to daycare.

Faith with her big cousin Jade.

Faith after a long day at the Wynn house. Time to go home.

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