Monday, September 21, 2009

Maddison went today for her 18 month check-up. She is a healthy little girl! They said she is alittle small for her age. She got 3 shots today. We opt out of the flu shot for today. I am just not sure how I feel about it. Will contemplate the pros and cons for another week and take all 3 girls at the same time if we decide to give it to them. She is doing her best to walk. Now her new thing is trying to climb things and reach things that she isn't supposed to.

I took all four of the kids to Wal-Mart on Saturday and it went much better than I expected. Maddison didn't want to sit in the cart. She kept standing up so I put her in the front and Mason in the back. That didn't work either. She tried climbing out. So finally I just got her out and she helped me push the cart! We all survived the trip and made it home in one piece.

Tonight the kids and I attended a girl scout meeting. Both Abby and Jade are signed up! Jade is very excited. Thankfully when we got home she on her own said that being in dance might not work this year because she thinks girl scouts and 2nd grade will keep her busy enough. Thankfully she felt that way. I will admit that I was a terrible parent when it came to dance this year. We had decided because of what dance costs and my lack of work right now we would have to wait until at least January before she could join dance. We however hadn't taken the time to talk to Jade about it yet. Both girls are excited about girl scouts. Even Abby is excited. She is usually our little homebody. Abby will be a Daisy! Jade will be a Brownie! Oh and yes, I offered to help. Like I have nothing better to do with my time. I told them not a troop leader but I would help the leader if need be. We should hear in the next few weeks how many girls are in their group and when they will meet. They have roughly 2 meetings a month. So beware- MY CHILDREN WILL BE SELLING COOKIES THIS YEAR! I did happen to see a mother who had a girl in Abby's preschool class. She was hoping I would be troop leader if the girls end up in the same group.

So each month I will have 2 meetings to attend on Monday nights. I have church with Jade 2 times each month on Wednesdays. Now we will also have 4 times a month we attend girl scouts. Hopefully the girls will meet different times and days so I can go with both of them.

Oh and the reason I took all the kids with me tonight is Hubby went to church to attend the 2nd and last Baptism meeting for Mason. They make you attend the class up to 3 times. I took it before and it was the same thing this time. Thankfully Hubby said he would go tonight so I could attend the girl scout meeting.

Ok onto something else. I have tomorrow off. Why? Because I have one daycare child to watch and she has one day off every other week. Just so happens to be tomorrow. This really isn't exciting to me. Yes, I am glad I get to spend the day relaxing with my little ones but I should have a house full of kids here. I did get lucky and had a drop in last Monday in the afternoon and he came again on Friday. Sounds like at some point she will be needing more daycare. Hopefully soon. If all goes well I might have a child starting on Friday however I haven't heard back from the mom about paperwork. So I will call her tomorrow and hope for the best. Thankfully Hubby is working Saturdays! I have an interview on Wednesday and that is for one child. I am trying to be patient but its not working all too well. Its making me a rather crabby person and I don't like that.

Our foster care license is coming to an end. I have been sent papers to re-new it but have put it off. The county must still be upset with me that I asked for the 3 girls they placed with me to be placed in another home. It was just really bad timing as I wasn't feeling well and my children were sick. It was alot to be responsible with. Well, however we haven't had any calls or placements since then. They must have sign up that reads "Never call the Wynn's". Its not so much that I need something to do and help pass the time. Its the fact we went through all the work for what? Now on the other side of this I do have 2 girls that I have watch for a few hours here and there. Its a placement through respite care. Its been nice they actually usually come during my daycare hours! If I do not re-new my license I can not take these girls again. We are leaning more so to not re-new it but I feel bad for that these girls wouldn't be able to come again. Its so funny, they call my back yard a park!

Well, Hubby keeps peaking to see what I am doing. Like I am doing something bad. So I should be going. Sorry this got so long. Guess I just needed to visit with someone and who better than the computer when its almost 10pm!

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