Friday, August 21, 2009



We have a first Christmas email! My aunt emailed me with her idea. She shall get her special gift soon (be patient with me though, especially if I go into labor today or tomorrow)!

The first idea I got emailed to me was: Pick a fight with someone on your list around the beginning of December. Keep picking a fight with those on your list until your list is empty. However do not add your children to your list because you should always buy for them. Then she suggests that once Christmas is over and the first of the year comes around start making mends with those you fought with!

Another idea that was given but in the comment section was: Pay attention to what people like such as favorite coffee, chocolate, or even favorite salon. Give them something they really enjoy. Or maybe you hear them say they have always wanted to buy themselves something but just haven't done it or they feel too guilty to buy it for themselves. Keep note of that and surprise them at Christmas time.

Keep the ideas rolling folks!

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