Wednesday, June 3, 2009

yesterday today and tomorrow

Yesterday when I got Jade ready for school I took her picture with her special sack lunch. She was going on a field trip! However the picture is not on my camera. I am rather bumbed and not sure what happen to it. They went to Paul Bunyan Land which is now called This Old Farm. I felt kind of bad but at her school they do not get a bus to transport the children to their field trips. They ask for parent volunteers. It wasn't a far drive but I felt she should still sit in her booster seat. She took it with her to school and NEVER complained! She did tell me once she got home that her and only one other girl had boosters. I find this odd because Jade is not too big for her age but she is one of the the taller more built kids in her class. Now from what I hear some of those kids will need to go back into a booster since I hear the laws are changing on this July 1st.

Jade has been invited to her first birthday party/sleepover! I will admit that I am a bit nervous about her going. Only because at times she has a hard time going to bed because she misses her other mom. Hopefully with the excitement of a bunch of other graduated 1st grade girls she will be fine. Her last day of school is today and tonight she will go to the party. Thankfully the lady is allowing her to spend most of the day there tomorrow! I explained to her I do daycare and can't get her. Hubby could though at 2:15. Well here this lady does daycare as well but is someones helper. She so works when needed with another provider. So I will admit I also felt better after I heard this- it means she can pass a background check with no problem!! I can't just send my girls anywhere!

Yesterday we enjoyed vanilla wafers and apple juice outside for snack! It didn't seem warm enough though for June 2nd.
I have no idea why my words are being underlined. Its bugging the crap out of me. Now why aren't they? Oh this is not how I want to start my day. There is nothing to click on that says underline! So what is going on????

Today is a good day! Its the last day Jade will come home with a white collared shirt and Khaki pants on. Its the last day I will look at her and think "Did she roll around the playground today?How will I ever get that white shirt white"? Its also the last day the Hannah Montana lunch box will be packed with a juice box, ice pack and other goodies! Well, ok its the last day for this until September when I send 2 kids off to school each morning.

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