Friday, May 1, 2009

A farmer's wife!

I visited Rose's preschool today for a conference with her teacher. She had a very good report. I found one thing funny. I was able to see the progress Rose has made in her drawings. The most recent drawing of a person just happen to be me! She drew a baby in my tummy. The baby even had its mouth, nose and eyes! It is just the cutest thing!

About 2 weekends ago when I was working at a Carnival for my daycare association alittle boy from Rose's preschool came to my game. I recognized him and asked if he was N- and if he knew my daughter Rose. This little boy is the cutest thing. Little boy face with glasses. I wish I had a picture of him. He looked at me and said "Yes, I know Rose, I am going to marry her". He didn't hesitate when answering me or even think about it. He knew right way what he wanted to tell me. His mom told me that he comes home everyday after school and he always tells her about Rose!

Well today at preschool I found out that they have talked about what they want to be when they grow up. Well N- told the class he wanted to be a farmer and Rose was going to be his wife! Then when it was Rose's turn she told the class she wanted to be a teacher. I guess N- told her she was going to be his wife and she can not be a teacher.

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