Thursday, April 2, 2009

I am not sure why my camera battery wasn't working yesterday and today it works.
I wanted to share a few new pictures.
The new kitchen decor. I told my Hubby this is his anniversary gift!

This is what a 12 month old looks like after having a temper tantrum and getting her way. She had about 6 M&M's. She was a mess.

My Hubby's 75 gallon best friend! Takes up alot of his time.

Sweet Baby Girl can color!

I am not sure what to say about this picture.
I wasn't in charge of picking out their evening attire.

Sweet Baby Girl got this baby stroller for her birthday from her Mommy and Daddy.
She has learned how to put her baby in it! She loves standing behind it.

1 comment:

~Dinah said...

What sweeties you have!