Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thanks Grandpa G!

So yesterday in the mail the big girls got Christmas Cards from their Grandpa G. He lives in another state so he isn't able to see the girls on Christmas. This is their biological mom's dad. So anyways, hubby felt it was important to let them use what they got right away. They each got a $50 gift card to Wal-Mart. So I bet you can guess where we went after supper. It was interesting explaining to a 4 and 6 year old how much $50 could buy. We first let them pick out what they wanted most. Rose wanted most was a dress with no shirt under it (she hates jumpers) and tights. The Dancer wanted a Keyboard. So after that they still of course had lots of money left so to the toys we went! They did really well picking out what they wanted. Rose ended up having $10 left on her card when we left the store. Here are some pictures I took.

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