Tuesday, March 9, 2010

update on my little girl

Just a really quick update.

I took Maddison to the doctor yesterday. I told them everything I told them on the phone. So the visit yesterday seemed a bit strange to me. They have scheduled for her to have an MRI on Thursday morning. They were not able to do it yesterday. I am not sure why they didn't just schedule that right away rather than making us have the appt. yesterday.

Maddison will need to be put to sleep for the MRI. I am alittle really nervous about this. There were two doctors yesterday that talked about Maddison's situation and they both felt the MRI was a better option than a Cat Scan. The cat scan she could be awake but they feel that cat scans put out too much radiation for little ones. They reasured me that there will be a doctor there to monitor Maddison the whole time.

My mom is coming with to the appt. to help watch Mason. Hopefully Jade and Abby will still go to school. Just have to see how early I can drop them off.

Its been a rough couple of weeks. I had to close on Friday. Talk to a daycare family about a situation over the weekend (which they decided to leave my care....its for the best). I am also now taking Thursday off. Thankfully the families still in my care this week are very understanding about the situation and me having to take some time off for Maddison's appt.


Have you ever tried to take an almost 2 year old shopping? Wow, I thought it would be fun yesterday to take Maddison to a few places after her appt. She runs all over the place. She won't sit in a cart without crying. So we didn't make it to the places I wanted to.

I did take her to my favorite place to eat Chipolte, we do not have one in my town. So I took advantage of that yesterday. I got her rice that she did not eat or even look at. Then we went to Old Navy, which we also do not have in my town. I found long sleeve shirts for 97 cents!! What a deal. Of course I bought some (limited myself to 2 shirts for both Jade and 2 for Abby that should fit them in the fall). I only get to Old Navy about once a year. I like to get the girls an outfit there for summer. Then I took Maddison to a store Party City! She got to get an Elmo balloon since she was so good at the doctor.

1 comment:

Nik said...

When my DD was little she wouldn't eat anything from the Chipotle Menu either...so we would ask for small taco size tortillas with just rice and cheese. They will also do a quesadilla in that small size for you (just cheese melted in there)....just a thought for next time? If she likes to dip, or likes salsa? offer her salsa to dip the quesadilla sections or maybe sourcream mixed with salsa?

Hope all goes well with the other appointment and that your clients continue to be understanding! That alone can be very frustrating!