Friday, July 24, 2009


I can't get myself motivated to keep my blog updated lately. Maybe too much stress in the house. I might need to get some more chocolate!

Hubby is still working just 4 days a week. They are making the 2nd highest paying person at his work take retirement as of Aug. 1st. I feel bad for the guy. They just told him he had to do this on Tuesday. He has been with the company for 35 years. Can you imagine. Kind of a slap in the face if you ask me. Yesterday they laid off 5 more people but thankfully it was office people and not hubby.

After today I will be down to 2 daycare children. Its not going to be easy but there just aren't as many people looking for daycare as there used to be. I had a family start with me back in January and I should have left them go by February. The mother was very disrespectful and wouldn't call when they kids were not coming. I never knew when to expect them. She was young and I tried to explain to her how things needed to work. I felt bad for the kids and hated to make them go elsewhere. Well again this week they were a no-show and did not call me until yesterday. So I won't be welcoming them back. The mother brought on too much stress for me right now. Oh I will miss that income though. I put an ad in the paper and I am really hoping things fall into place and I get some new kids to watch after I return from my maternity leave. Its been tough. I had an awesome group of girls and one had to leave because both her parents lost their jobs. Then I had the other leave once summer started because mom is a teacher and the girl will go to Kindergarten in the fall. I had them and one of my current 5 yr. olds since they were 2! The lady I talked with at the newspaper actually asked about my daycare when I was placing my ad! I have never had anyone ask when I was placing an ad. I will be sending her out a flyer and hopefully she calls for an interview!

Tomorrow we are trying another garage sale. Time to declutter. I was trying lastnight to go through the house and get the stuff out we NEVER use. I also have a few things from the last sale that were my sisters. I really hope her things can sell. I am sure she would love to make some cash right now!

On a good note I was able to register Jade for Adventure week at church! She will go next week! I had looked into it earlier this summer thinking we could walk to the church. Our church is down the road. Well, I called and found out its at the other Catholic Church in town. So I wasn't able to register her until this week when I realized I am down on daycare kids. I have just enough room in the van for the kids! I will drop her off at 9am and hubby will pick her up at 2:30 on his way home from work! Jade is excited because she has to take a sack lunch each day. Abby of course is a party pooper and did not want to go. She likes to be at home.

I can't believe that today my sister's baby is a week old! They grow so fast. I know it will just be a matter of time and they will be home as a family and be thinking about how fast she grew and how much older Faith is getting. I can't wait until she starts crawling and I can tell my brother-in-law that Yes, kids will go for the steps! He don't think he will be needing a gate because his little girl is going to stay away from the steps. HA HA we'll see about that!

I will post many pictures later. Right now its time for breakfast.

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