Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Program

Lastnight Jade and Abby had their Christmas program for School. My parents came to town and joined us for the Christmas music. The program started with a prayer and then the school band played. The band was only about 8 students! Then the wonderful hand bell group played the bells. Jade is one of the bell players. Once a week she stays after school for about an hour and practises bells. This is her second year and she loves it.

Jade getting ready to walk in playing her bells. They even have to wear gloves to protect the bells.

2nd grade singing! Jade is the last one on the bottom row.

Kindergarten signing! Abby is the second to last one on the bottom row.

The whole school singing a song in Spanish! I have no idea what they sang!

Thankfully we sat towards the back of the auditorium. Mason decided it would be be fun to cry. Oh he cried. All evening he cried. Only thing I can think of is he getting another tooth already. I walked him in the hallway some and that helped for a bit but not too long.

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